New Mexico Young Actors has provided theater training and productions for children in Albuquerque, NM since 1979.  Our programs have been honored to reach hundreds of thousands of children with the power of drama, music, and dance through education and school performances.

Now in our 45th season, and we are excited to:

Expanding opportunities
  • Offering specialized courses focusing on improv and acting techniques
  • Apprenticeships in stage crew.
  • Future courses planned for costumes, makeup, and all aspects of stagecraft
Look to the future
  • With our continued growth, NMYA is redoubling efforts to find a permanent location & home for the company.
Maintain our commitment to the children
  • Scholarships for actors to join the program
  • Scholarships enabling schools to attend the shows

This work, however, can not continue without your generous support.  We ask you to please consider making NMYA a part of your charitable giving plans.


New Mexico Young Actors is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 charitable arts organization.  All donations are tax-deductible.


How can you support NMYA?

Donate Monetarily

NMYA Wishlist

Help make our rehearsal space even better